Patient information on Obstetric Ultrasound
There is no preparation for the ultrasound. Most of the obstetric ultrasounds are done transabdominally. This means that we put gel on your tummy, or abdomen and look at your baby through the abdominal wall. Sometimes however we can not see enough with a transabdominal ultrasound alone. This mainly happens when you are still very early in your pregnancy. In those situations, it may be advisable to perform a transvaginal ultrasound. A narrow, gel covered probe is gently introduced into the vagina. Most patients experience no pain or only very mild discomfort. You will be asked to empty your bladder before the scan for your comfort as well as to optimise our views.
Photographs and Videos
The ultrasound examination will be recorded on a USB flash drive. At your first ultrasound with us, you will receive a complimentary USB drive. Please bring the USB drive with with each subsequent examination for additional ultrasound recordings. If you forget the USB drive on subsequent scan, a second one may be purchased. You will also electronically receive a selection of digital images of your baby.
Although we usually welcome children at our practice - due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we ask that you avoid bringing additional members of your family apart from your partner. It should be noted that young children are rarely able to relate to the images on the screen and may become restless, potentially detracting from yours and your partner's enjoyment of the ultrasound experience.
More information
You can find fact sheets on the different types of obstetric ultrasound examinations under 'our services'
3D and 4D Ultrasound
Although 3D and 4D ultrasound can create some outstanding images of the unborn baby, it is very much dependent on the gestation and the position of the baby. At Women’s Ultrasound Malvern, we usually check the fetus in 2D first, to make sure that all is well. At the end of the examination, we do a 3D or 4D ultrasound. It is best to attend a 3D or 4D ultrasound with an open mind, realising that not everyone gets a 'as we've seen it on TV' image. We get beautiful images of the face if the baby is facing up and there is sufficient fluid around baby's face, but that is unfortunately not so every time. We will always try to get the best images in every situation but keeping the limitations of 3 and 4D ultrasound in mind avoids disappointment.